Originally Posted by syoblrig
I agree with Minecraft. But can she move up to Lego Mindstorm? My son did that at around 8 or 9, and he basically stopped with the kits. Problem is, now my 7 yo dd has all the old kits in her room!

I didn't know that was what the motorized Legos were called, but I believe that is what she is working on at school right now - she said she was building a robot she can control.

We already think the regular Lego kits are crazy expensive and I'm fairly certain the Mindstorms are much more costly. I'd love to get some, but unless I can find a REALLY good deal or come across some reasonably priced at a garage sale I don't think I can justify spending that much money. However, I need to remember those for a possible Christmas or birthday present next year - that would be a really good present for her - thanks for the idea!