Hi everyone! Thank you again for all of the responses

Sorry I haven't updated. I was hoping I would eventually have good news to report. Sadly, I feel that this teacher is a bully. For some reason, he has chosen to make my son an example.
I tried to see if there was another class to switch into. My son was all for it. In the end, the switch would have conflicted too much with his other class. We've been trying our best to get along with this teacher but it doesn't seem to be improving at all.
It's almost like he's just looking for the tiniest excuse to send him out of the room. Since he's missing so much class time, he's missing concepts. His math confidence is now down the tubes and he's developed math anxiety, which he never had before

He knows the material at home but as soon as he goes to this teacher's math class to take the test, he completely forgets everything. It's horrible.
The teacher allows other students to retake the tests except for mine. He uses his "bad behavior" as an excuse to not allow him to retake. So interesting that my son has no other teacher conflicts or "behavior problems" in other classes- all A's in his other classes, D in math....
Anyways, counselor called and is open to any ideas. She is wonderful and this is great news!!! What should I suggest??? Any wonderful pre-algebra online program that son can do in the media center while his math class is going on??? He has tried EPGY but not visual enough. He is very visual-spatial. I need something that will actually teach, not just problems to do. Any other suggestions???
Thank you again!!! So gald there's only a few more months left of school!