I requested to the teacher to please move DS back to the front row. DS even wants it. I get this back from the teacher..."No seat is far enough away from people for him to control himself"
Son, husband, and I are meeting with teacher tomorrow morning. In an e-mail teacher says this..."This will be the last time I will allow him to retest when I have to remove him from class for behavior. If he misses anymore material/class time because of behavior, I will not offer another retake for him"
A couple of thoughts about the second statement here - it is illegal in my state to academically punish a student for behavior problems. In other words, if your son gets sent from class because of behavior, the teacher is still required by law to ensure that he has the material he needs and if retakes are his policy for other students who do poorly, they still have to be an option for your son. (This particular law is pretty frustrating for the teachers - I know it drives me crazy sometimes, but it is the law so has to be done.)
Also, I would ask the parents of some of your son's friends who are also in the class if they are having any problems with this teacher as well. If so, then you should all go to the school administration and ask about the situation. A number of times the admin are unaware of what is going on in the classroom unless parents tell them. Especially if the teacher is a coach of a winning team.

Good luck! We just pulled our DD from a toxic situation in one of her classes after fighting with the teacher for some changes and not seeing anything improve.