Thank you so much everyone! Love this forum!!!

Just picked DS up from school... sick

Trying to get to the bottom of this.
Says he is no longer sitting front and center...admits he would do better if he was moved back to the front.
I agree that there is probably a teacher/student conflict and has been from day 1. I feel all respect is lost from both ends. Teacher appears to be "you follow my rules or else" type of a guy...DS is extremely creative, full of humor...well, you get the idea! I asked why he was "thrown out" the other day and DS said because he wanted to double check his problems and the teacher told him no, sit down. DS said "just a few more seconds" and sigh, teacher booted him out.
I don't feel that the material is too easy....just painfully boring and repetitive.
I still don't understand this last test score. I e-mailed teacher for results, so I can see if it was just non-labeling or what else... He KNEW all of the material!!! I even had him stay home from a sports practice knowing he had to study for this test. I took the textbook and reviewed EVERYTHING with him. I hovered over him, wrote out problems...He did extra textbook problems, had him go on Khan Academy, AND IXL to triple-ensure he got the concept and it really, truly appeared that he did. What could possibly be going on here???
DS has tears in his eyes...said he had enough time, double-checked, thought he had showed work and labeled...said there was a sub that day. He is completely dumbfounded.
erich ~ Yes, he loves the Fred books and has read the whole series. Started with the math club but stopped. He doesn't particularly enjoy math problems.
I'm worried that a kid that started out with such math potential, has just withered away from it. How do you stop it??
Thanks again everyone. This really stinks...