Originally Posted by Mk13
I just find it incredibly frustrating to see how my son is supposed to be getting this "one size fits all" treatment and I KNOW it's not what he needs.

What is "one size" about what he's getting?

FWIW, I see it as Mum3 does; to me (over the internet, where one cannot diagnose anything even if one were qualified), your DS sounds like gifted/autistic. Many or even most autistic people have comorbid conditions, so the combination gifted/autistic/apraxic is certainly possible, as are any other combination of exceptionalities.

Have you been to a neuropsychologist yet? Or the kind of autism clinic that can do a really thorough workup? You are spending so much energy fretting over the diagnosis. But it is very reasonable to treat symptoms and work on language skills and behavior while seeking further information.
