DS just turned 5 in Feb. We are considering advocating for a grade skip (K to 1) next year, but I'm concerned about his writing skills, which don't seem so great to me. My DD was a very good writer and excellent speller, so I really don't know what is age-appropriate here. I am going to transcribe some sentences he wrote in a grade 1 reading workbook, without help (in response to comprehension questions)...are these like early K, mid K, late K, grade 1? The words that are correctly spelled are mostly copied from the provided text. My guess is that this is mid-K level, but like I say, maybe I'm way off? DD started K able to write much better than this.

I woud llik to ried a mery-go-roned

I woud not llike to hiik up bread loaf mountain

Becus its funy

I woud llik to see his dictionary

I woud not llik to to get so hot by a volcano so no

No becus its to snowey

Pensmanship is basically legible, but not great by any means. Letters are mixed caps and lowercase--no punctuation yet. Occasional letter reversals, but not a lot.

He answered all the reading comprehension questions correctly--in fact, they are too easy. He can easily answer reading comp questions for grades 2 and 3 and is reading 3rd-5th grade level books.

Last edited by ultramarina; 03/19/13 10:37 AM.