Honestly, and maybe it's just my experience/district but if your guy is gifted and has dyslexia or dysgraphia, school district testing is either not going to catch it or if they do 'see it' they will not be able to "diagnose it" per Dept of Ed regulations or something. My son looks like he has classic dysgraphia ... I mean, he's got every single symptom and he'll write every number and most letters backwards if left to work independently... Heck he'll even write from right to left sometimes. My school district has tested him and simply can not diagnosis it. He never falls far enough "below average" (on one test, I believe) for them to say "dysgraphia." Actually, even if he did fall far enough below, my district can not actually use the word "dysgraphia" . I have to get him a neuropsych eval anyway. The district testing was basically a waste of time.

Last edited by marytheres; 03/18/13 06:51 AM.