Hi Val
Whatever you decide to do tomorrow, good luck. As the parent of a 2E who has spent hours and hours on homework, I have no ideas left of my own as how to help (everything makes her upset) and recently allowed her to delay math homework "until the morning when my brain isn't so tired" (true) but something that should take 15-20 minutes takes over 1 hour - IN THE MORNING - this morning I thought I'd have a 1)nervous breakdown 2) heart attack 3) accidently burn the house down while trying to make a nice hot breakfast and dealing with 2E high drama.

Does your DH ever spend homework time with DS? This year, the past few months, my DH has (I'd had it with him not being engaged in her problems - they are real!) and it really turned him around. And he is very mathy and loves his DD very much. He's gotten very perplexed during math homework time, she is so bright and understands such big ideas but the details...and has shaken his head alot and it totally turned him around to the point where he's given me the blank check on trying to find people to help us understand her and get her help. He doesn't say anything anymore about her being lazy or not trying hard enough or being stubborn or dramatic.

Anyway good luck and have a good weekend. IMO, calm family time and down time is really what will get these kids through to where they need to be in a healthy place in the future.