I agree with you about the SB-LM. The scores seem inflated.

Our boys sound alike. Did your son also have a decent processing score when they removed the fine motor aspect? Also beery VMI scores that were astoundingly low?

The doctor said that we would have a more accurate score on the WISC because the ceilings are higher. My son is getting tested on that as soon as he meets the age limit, and I'm glad you have found it reliable, even with testers unfamiliar with giftedness. That reassures me, because I would prefer to test through insurance than pay outright. More money for books that way! smile

Is your son in Davidson's then? They can calculate a GAI on the WISC, and also, the children are older and more cooperative during testing (or so I hear). I expect my son to do better, only because the ceilings were so low that he thought the test was easy. It may be that there are new parts of the test he will find difficult though, who knows.