My son is in his 2nd year at a small Montessori preschool. None of the kids in the 2nd year last year decided to do a 3rd year. They all went to public schools for kindergarten. The teacher says my son is one of the most intelligent children she has ever taught. She used to teach at a large Montessori school for several years before starting her own. Anyway, today she brought it to my attention that he is having a really hard time socially b/c of his intelligence. The other children just don't understand his humor, imagination or knowledge of things. They don't have the attention span to listen to what he is saying before running off to do something else.

It makes him sad. It makes me sad too. I see this happen a lot at the local playground. His teacher asked me to talk about being patient w/other children. It is hard for him. How do I explain to him that he is different in a good way? I've tried linking up w/some of the kids that used to go to that school but it hasn't worked out. Not sure if they would've been good playmates either b/c the intelligence doesn't quite match up either. Any ideas? He loves to read (3rd to 4th grade level - think James and the Giant Peach), he loves science (bones, dinosaurs, planets) and loves math (doing some multiplication work). He's funny , super sweet and friendly. We do a lot of play dates w/kids his age, but something is missing. Sometimes they just end up playing separately, which is not what I want. Ideas? What do you think?