GinaW, that would be an excellent idea but the Montessori my son attends is on 2.5 years to Kindergarten/3rd year and no one enrolled in Kindergarten/3rd year this year so there aren't any older kids there. We will have to move about an hour away to continue his Montessori education beyond Kindergarten. I've toured the magnet schools for high-achieving kids and I'm not sure he would be challenged there. The curriculum is the same as the regular public schools only they are faster paced and have more enrichment activities. That's great. Only my kid knows everything they cover in K already and 1st and possibly most of 2nd. This is just my observation from touring the schools. Kids in 2nd grade magnet school are reading and doing a project on a book my kid read at 2 or 3. That's probably not going to interest him in the least by the time he gets to 2nd grade.