It's really hard, I've been there with my DD. I don't know where you live but we at least have been fortunate to live in more metropolitan areas where there was lots of stuff to do.
When she was that age I took her all around to different museums, the gifted association in our state had enrichment activities several times per year. You can meet people here and there and maybe you can arrange to meet if the kids mesh.
If not your DS will have the little glimmer of hope that there is someone else out there he can talk to.
If he's getting old enough for summer day camps this year, ones at science museums, zoos, and nature centers might draw some of the brighter kids and/or ones with those keen interests.
School is tough. For that I think encouraging your DS to read or watch at least some of the more popular things that the other kids/boys are into to have some sort of common ground interests or something to relate to.
For the patience with other kids, DD is still working on that but is so much better. She's developed a secondary language and way of acting to blend better but she doesn't always quite blend 100%. She's spent hours and hours, like alot of kids on this forum, in elementary school watching other kids learn, being expected to tolerate boredom, and being expected to build social skills with kids who she has to bridge over to constantly to meet them on their level. But over the years all the other things we've done and having her watch cartoons and read the popular stuff and do different activities has helped alot.
for the playdates where they just play separately, "parallel play" at that age isn't so bad. At least he's going through the experience of a playdate. I don't like lots of electronic time but some xBox etc games are okay at least they could be interacting!
If you need to withdraw sometimes because it gets discouaging (I used to do that sometimes) make sure you get back in the game. It's like dating - the more people you meet the more likely you're to find that special someone : - ) !!!
Last edited by bzylzy; 02/07/13 02:17 PM.