I have been traveling for play and work and remiss in responding and THANKING everyone who responded. Hearing from parents going through the same thing is the biggest �exhale� and so needed for my sanity. This board is like free group therapy. wink

It�s a good reminder that ALL kids do this to some degree at this age. She is five�. I have to relax a little and let her mature. And all people have things they can tolerate/not tolerate, so as adults one person may find my child�s precociousness somewhat endearing where another might think its obnoxious. I am striving to get to the point of realizing that their opinion shouldn�t affect me� it�s a work in progress.

Polly � so much of this rings true. My daughter seems to regress when the play date is at our house and it is her toys she has to share. And board games� holy cow. I want to think its cute and creative, but sometimes its actually irritating when she goes off on a ten minute diatribe of the NEW rules and inside I�m thinking �My sweet child�. WHAT the h-e-doublehockysticks are you talking about ?!� but outside trying to be supportive and encouraging. I LOVE the idea of role playing and I haven�t tried this. Definitely going to incorporate this and see how it works. I think she is going to eat it up.

Bzylzy � great advice all around. Especially about not making her feel like its her fault. I am sure I do this, and its possible I am making her feel more �different� if she already feels this. Kind of an aha moment.