Yeah, only mine likes to tell even me and my husband what and how to do stuff. He'll go as far as saying "hi" to someone friendly in the checkout line and say, "mom, don't be rude. say hi to her." I don't think he's more bossy to the other kids than they are to him. It seems like all the kids that age are into making rules, "you can't pass by without a password- here's the password" (for example of what other kids do). I don't know about the other parents judging you, because honestly, everybody has different likes and dislikes and things they just can't stand.
My own kids seem to have a lot of feelings, but they don't seem to last long. My five year old whines a hundred times a day. (embarrassing and frusterating- I mean a musical, grating, been practicing, puppy dog whine. what they used to call a spoiled brat whine). But then the moment's gone and he's playing again. Same goes for the fighting with my toddler. My two kids are inseparable, but they fight a hundred times a day. It's over the next minute. Those hundred problems a day sure do seem like a lot though. What do they say, "the days are long, but the years are short."

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar