My husband said he wondered if my son knew that he should ask questions at school if he didn't know how to do something. I told my son, you know how sometimes you have a brain fart and forget how to write a letter and you ask me and I tell you how to draw that letter. Yes. Do you know you can ask your teacher if you don't understand or know something? he said, no, because I asked my teacher and she said she won't help me.
I ask you every day what happened at school, why didn't you tell me this? This is why I ask. I called my mom and said the teacher probably only told him that once or twice and mom said, he's a five year old. The teacher probably told him that once, and meant she wouldn't help him that time, and being five, he took it to mean she wouldn't help him period. kids

<3. Literalism.. lol
How can you ask more questions about things u never would have thought about?