Originally Posted by ColinsMum
I wonder whether it's worth seeking an evaluation for ASDs, assuming he hasn't had one? Even if he doesn't have a diagnosable ASd, it might help you to find tool shops for him - IRL friends whose I-think-HG+ son has Asperger's say he has benefited hugely from social skills group training, which I didn't know even existed, for example. And, played right, the knowledge that you were seeking an assessment might help the school see that you're taking your side seriously, and help them do the same.

I totally agree with all of this.

Who diagnosed the "visual-spatial learning style"? I don't really believe in learning styles of this kind-- they have been debunked by scientists-- and I find that often when people say it's an extreme VS learning style it is instead an ASD or other neurological difference.

The inability to grasp why he can't just tell the truth, the feeling that it would be an injustice not to do so, is a classic gifted-with-ASD behavior.

Cognitive behavior therapy and/or Michelle Garcia Winner's "Social thinking" curriculum would probably be helpful for him in any case.
