Hmmmm. Ok. Keep em coming?

I guess I need to call the Mother's helper who used to come!

Preschool does not work. We're actually kinda terrified of Kindergarten, which starts in sept for the older, because of how problematic preschool has been.

DS1 is 13 mos, it's going to be while before he stops putting stuff in his mouth, no matter what I do...

We're definitly overdoing TV and video games. But at least the older one tends to be into stuff I'm reasonably comfortable with like Zoboomafo and Mega Builders. I don't really let the younger one watch much, but he does like anything with animals!

I'm less trying to get laundry time, and more trying to get a way to not have double focus constantly, it makes me crazy.

Oh, I hope K works out ok!!!!

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!