Looking for BTDT type stuff, mainly, but wild brainstorming will do...

How did you guys manage to keep two kids interested at the same time?

DS3.5yrs is obsessed with science kits and building paper car/Phanerozoic (wow, that was autocorrect for airplane, that's too good to fix) models right now, which need supervision. Also the marble run, but DS1 still puts stuff in his mouth too much to have the marbles out when he's not asleep.

DS1yr is obsessed with being read to, flipping lightswitches, running, drinking from waterfountains, and eating my face. (he's still a generalist, I guess).

DS1 has just dropped to one nap only, and doesn't take it unless life is boring. Which means, for example, not at the Science Center.

Basically, they both feel they need me, all the time, if only for my fine motor skills and ladder-like ability to get them to high objects.

They both flip out totally and become Zhombies out for brains if they feel understimulated for, oh, more than 2.7 seconds or so.

Activities with roles for each of a 1&3 yr old?
Activities like the aforementioned which can be done with Less or no help? (did I mention the glue gun problem. DS3.5 is also obsessed with Arts and crafts involving glue guns.)
Ways to draw chemistry diagrams using a one-year-old as a drawing instrument?
Ways to build circuits using a one-year-old as... wait, no, not that one...




DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!