I am in this boat at present. Two girls, 3y 3months, and 22 months. We have a foot of snow so dual outside play isn't an easy option right now - we get out a little on weekends.
Fortunately my girls are starting to play together more. Even 20 minutes of them chasing each other is often enough for me to do something else for a moment (sometimes it is just staring into space).
I also split up their time - they both aren't always with me. Older DD goes to preschool 3 hrs M-F, younger to day care most days(but she is also home frequently w/some ongoing health stuff). I am getting my master's, so I need time for school (1 semester left, yay). When it's done, I'll be returning to work...
It can get crazy when they are both here. If your 1 yr old can follow directions, engage that. He's going to probably be in helpful phase soon, so have him sweep or carry things to the trash or whatever. Yesterday I had both of them going for about a half hour with an active for them game where I'd say swing your trunk like an elephant, hop like a frog etc. They enjoy playing doctor/patient, mother/child, teacher/student with me or just themselves. My one year old isn't always getting it, but she catches on to some of these pretty fast.
Both enjoy play kitchen cooking, and we have them make us stuff all the time (soup, tea, doughnuts, anything we think of). The play kitchen we got from someone getting rid of theirs, cleaned it up, and stocked with new fake food.
Certain activities for the older are only done when little is not home, like scissor cutting, gluing poms/sequins/small crafts. Other things they do together even if the "age" isn't officially ok for the younger, like painting, crayons, markers, sorting things I know she won't eat... We do some cooking projects 1ce a week or so too.
Older is permitted to play preschool games with my iPad at times when younger is napping or not home. They both watch Signing Time videos and a few other shows.
Finally, I have a high school aged mother's helper 2x a week during dinner when my husband works late.
Hope this may give you a few ideas.
Last edited by sunday_driver; 01/07/13 07:15 PM.