Ninjanoodle - I would say from that link above it is yes.

In the other thread I mentioned that when I asked my 2nd DD about letters having colours she said "Of course they do" and rattled off colours, until I realised that she was listing a perfect match for the starfall colours, which is how/where she learned the alphabet. I wondered in the other thread whether synaesthesia was influenced by the chart/blocks/book that they learned letters/numbers/days/weeks from as those learning tools and toys are so often colour coded (though clearly not everyone retains the colour association)....

I just asked her again and she clearly has internalised that her synaesthesia wasn't "real" but just from starfall because she denied that she sees colours. But then did produced a list when prompted, which still overlaps with starfall.

I just asked my 34mth old. She says A is green, B is blue and C is short...

DH has a really full on cyclic 3D visualisation of days/weeks/months. Which is listed in the linked website as synesthesia. And also has sound/colour associations.