When I was little and younger elementary I linked those things with color. I'm not autistic, that I know of, fully functioning, but very creative and try to keep a cap on it. Though this forum, I don't know, you guys are bringing it back out in me.

I remember telling people about it and getting negative or "eye rolling" reactions. My mother barely tolerated my "weirdness". When I did talk every once in a whil, I came up with things like this!!! LOL

But I still remember that Sunday is black, Saturday is brown, Monday is blue, and Tuesday is definitely, definitely orange. The numbers and letters I remember thinking they were colors, and having favorites, but the memories aren't as distinct as the days of the weeks.

I also can hear a tone change when water runs from cold to hot. I did know someone else who could hear this, and he was a piano tuner : - )