Here are my notes on DD's numbers. The first set she was barely 6, the next somewhere in the 7s, the last set late 8. This is with months in between without talking about it. As you can see, there is a lot of congruency but not completely so.

1 is a white ice number
white, okay
2 is a green grape number
purple, sad
3 is brightish green
green, really happy
light blue, happy
4 is a brown tool number
orange, a little angry
terra cotta, something weird just appeared
5 is a green toad number
red, angry
red, mad
6 is a (no answer)
blue like 7, darker, really really sad
dark blue, upset
7 is a cool water number
blue, sad, a little
regular blue, daydreamy
8 is a purple grape number
olive green, frsutrated
olive green, jealous
9 is a sunny yellow number
bright yellow, really really happy
yellow, really happy
10 is a gray cloudy number
black, super angry
black, super angry (yes, she said exactly the same thing both times)