I want to say thank you to those that have responded. Really great pointers and it is good to know I am not the only one with these challenges.. seems harder as we get into the teen years. My son is medicated as well with Concerta for the past 2yrs. Didn't pick up on the ADHD until 4th grade as he was always able to compensate cognitively. I am also working on behavioral strategies. I have tried 3 different trapper keepers with various metods and he just recently is buying in to using one and rationalizes that other kids in his class are using them. Some parents do the work for their child and only worry about the grades. I strongly believe that what is most important is that he learn how to study/ complete the work... "play the game" and I have had that discussion with him and have brought his teachers in on that along with a nephew who is in college and tutors freshman on study skills... trying different approaches. He knows that he is capable of an A, so a B is average ( or like a C). I have always checked grade check behind he scenes, but try to let him on his own until I need to step in as want him to develop his own skills- don't want to control him. We started this year that if his grade dips below a B, I will need to look at his work daily until his grades are up to ensure it is done, etc. My rationale is that he dips so quick cause he forgets to do/hand in assigments. I am also emailing them weekly or if I notice an issue and it helps. A measure of doing is the grade. I have uppe the the anty to anything under an A as the year progresses as the contention is he should know the rhythm by now. He seems tied into it some..ADHD does seem to get in the way, as he forgets things. He does admit he is lazy. That is why this quarter keeping on him tighter so as to show him the difference in grades if you just do the work. I have had the real world discussion with him and that we all have to do the mundane... reality.. find a fun way to deal with it. I keep doing my best and I know the ADHD is the extra factor that throws a proverbial wrench in the mix... I just have a hard time with the school placing him in the regular classroom as that places a bigger wrench in the mix... I appreciate the suggestion for lobbying with the school for all 3 advanced as this year he was in the 2 advanced they offer, literacy and math... decided to pick literacy as a drop down to regular mid 1st quarter as he wasn't handing in the work... and his grade was worse in the regular classroom. The principle was saying if he shows that he can do the work next year, he may be able to go in the advanced in 8th grade... that is too long for a bored child.. seems like punishment. I did ask if he could move sooner and I received a vague response...still have to think on that. Maybe I am making too big of a deal about it, but it is such an uphill battle as it is. I think I will beef up the reward system... he was at a bday party sat where the birthday boy got a handheld playstation... great incentive... I will also revisit with his doc for possible increase in medication/ adjustment... growing like a weed in height/ weight.. may help too. My son has been a challenge from birth because of his abilities combined with his immaturity... I will keep plugging along. I am grateful for each response. It sure helps! I do appreciate a teachers perspective... I keep telling my son to just do the work... I just need to find a way to get him to follow- through with that. All of the pointers are great..maybe a study skills class/ tutor? I did try to have the guidance Co meet with him on that, didn't do much. thanks to all .