sorry I didn't really answer your question. Yes I think 2E issues affect IQ. DD's had high 150s, low 120s and "we won't calculate because the gap between x and y is too large". The testers have all been different, the highest IQ from the most experienced one with the strongest background experience with gifted kids - but she still thought the low short term memory/processing speed wasn't an issue because the other areas were high enough for compensation.

The problem that she continues to have I believe IS the descrepancy and compensation needed CAUSES the frustrations... And the "this is interesting" and all that is getting tiresome, though I realize people don't mean anything bad by it.

Does he like LEGOs or building things? When they have those clubs the child is with other kids but you're more likely to get other kids that are happy building side by side and interacting in their own way...maybe not textbook "typical" but at least they share the same interest, and it's a break from the usual school/sports expectations - just a little relief time. My DD is extremely interactive, best with adults and older kids and likes to look after little ones..that's not a problem, it's just that she gets nervous when there is a larger group of kids her age and they look at her like she's from another planet. But she keeps trying anyway.