Thanks bzylzy-

We do try a lot of what you talk about with keeping him busy with things he enjoys outside of class, etc... but the thing is that he STILL has the same problems outside of the school as well. His anxiety/phobias have been around long before school started and while he will go participate in activities that he likes (T-ball, bowling, activities at the library, etc...) he still doesn't really interact with the other kids (or adults) very much and has a hard time focusing on anything.

I would love to home school him but its just not in the cards for at least a year or two.

As far as the method of communication, I am not too worried about that since she was mostly just making conversation. I asked her about how things were going and will get a formal report on everything when we sit down and do his IEP.

My question, again, is whether the 2E issues could be changing his test results. I feel pretty positive that the 129 IQ score is a minimal level from him (just from what I see of him at home). If it is accurate, I am fine with that but if its not how would we know and would it be worth retesting down the road when/if we are better able to manage his other issues?