One of the things I found taped to the wall when I was helping my daughter move out was a small article written about her about her climbing successes. That someone else noticed her talent and created a wee bit of hoopla about it meant a lot more than I thought it did.

On the other hand, I downright offended several modeling agencies in town when I told them under no conditions would I consider allowing my minor daughter to be photographed, be part of their agency, etc.

I drew a very hard, fast line between getting praise for something that was of value and what was not. Those were based on MY values as a mother - I am not dissing other mothers who have allowed their children to be in modeling as children. It was just something I would never allow.

So I guess what I'm wondering is why getting some hoopla for an academic achievement is considered silly. If it were me, I'd let my kiddo get the hoopla and enjoy the public acknowledgment. Our kids have to downplay their talents and spend so much time not feeling their true worth, so I'd embrace the opportunity.

But that's just me. If you think it's silly and not of value, you're the mom. Just say no. It'll tick 'em off and make the school unhappy - as the publicity would definitely be good for them - but you're the mom, and you get the draw the lines where they need to be for your family.