Good luck with critiquing response to critique as a way to moderate response to critique. smile Not dismissing appeal to empathy, but wanted to write that sentence.

Given, I'm projecting from what I know of myself and my son and thus YMMV... For feedback, it's about providing top level information, standards to judge by, and resources. You can be Socratic and directional (i.e. sneaky) sometimes.

For the fishing example... I'd get a book with diagrams on how to put on a hook, etc. Provide examples, etc.

Possibly dialog about how to identify critique and extract their own meaningful information from that critique without a feeling an obligation to the specifics. If I write a story about a zombie fast food employee and someone responds that they think the zombie should be a ghoul, I could feel put out, upset, dismiss it, or more positively I think that I haven't fleshed out my zombie character enough.