Honestly, I don't know how close to puberty he is. That did cross my mind, since I recently had to start buying him deodorant. But he has classmates that have been doing that since they were 7, so I doubt that is a good indicator.

He's not much of a talker, but he does say that he hates school and wants to skip to fourth grade so he can actually learn something. I'm starting to think there is a definite downside to raising him from birth to believe that it is good to challenge yourself. This year actually started out much better than most, but I think the novelty has worn off. I have a conference with his teacher next week, and plan to discuss this with her. She has been pretty accomodating so far, so I'm hopeful we can figure something out.

But do you think a lack of challenge at school could be responsible for him being like this ALL THE TIME? I have always worked with him on extra math and history after school, and lately he seems to have lost interest in that. I would think if it was just a lack of a challenge, he would continue to enjoy doing that, right?