He doesn't seem to hate everything - but is EXTREMELY sensitive to criticism, which sometimes makes him seem like he hates everything. For example, he adores taekwondo, and is very good at it. (He was within a few points of being state champ for his age division last year). BUT....if he feels like he is being criticized too much in class (his instructor tries to be positive, but it's her job to make sure he is doing it as close to perfectly as possible) he gets really defensive and grouchy. For a while, I thought he hated going to class, so I asked him if he wanted to quit. He was horrified at the idea, and then freaked out because he was afraid I was going to make him quit.
He does seem to react differently among his peers - to an extent. He has a small group of friends, but tends to keep everyone else at arm's length. Which means making new friends is not something he is even interested in. That worries me a bit as well, since his father is military and we never know when we are going to move and he will have to go to a new school where he doesn't know anyone.