My DH would want me to emphasize the point that DAD22 has made here-- there is a HUGE difference between framing carpentry (where presumably the kerf would be no big deal) and fine woodworking (cabinetmaking, etc). Generally frame making would fall into the latter category.

We really need to know whether or not these frames are going to be filled and painted. What kind of wood is this, hmmm? That might provide us with a clue. wink Pine or aspen is likely to just be painted, and there we might not care... walnut or some exotic hardwood might be more likely to be used with a translucent finish. The joinery would need to be far more exacting in the latter case.

What sort of saw is being used, anyway? Some Japanese saws produce a very tiny kerf, and are ideal for this sort of work.

Inquiring minds want to know. grin

PS-- was there any mention of swearing in the original problem? That's generally my clue that my spouse is working to more exacting standards. LOL.

Schr�dinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.