UM, my ds doesn't re-read, but he gets very into series (he loved the Warriors, btw, eons ago)... and used to get obsessed and think he didn't want to read anything else at all until the next book in the series came out. There are a few other series he enjoyed around the same time he was into the Warriors, but I don't know if they'd work for your dd (Guardians of the Gahoole was one - and I know I didn't spell Gahoole correctly lol!). Anyway, the thing that helped us break ds out of his won't-pick-up-a-different book rut was when he joined a Battle-of-the-Books group at his school and *had* to read from the list of required books. The books weren't as complex or advanced or high-level as he was capable of reading, but they were books that were well-written and interesting for his age level. He would procrastinate starting on each book, but after a few pages was usually hooked.

I wouldn't worry too much about re-reading books - I doubt it does any more "harm" than playing the same game more than once (I don't think it does any harm at all really). I used to be obsessed with horse books when I was in 3rd grade, and I read a bunch that were easy-for-me-to-read as well as reading them over and over again and daydreamed quite a bit about the horses. There are a few other books (novels) I've re-read several times over the years because they were favorites of mine, and I've found something new and different each time I've read them, as well as found it interesting how my take on the stories changes as I get older and have different life experiences under my belt.

And... fwiw... my dd8 is currently obsessed with the Warriors. They are the only books she's checked out of her school library all year. So I'm looking at the responses here with a vested interest in hoping to find something else for my own dd - lol!
