Don't get me wrong--I am definitely not forbidding her from reading them. It's just, man, it's been months. Like, maybe 5 months. I haven't read any of the books, though I know it's quite an elaborate world and that DD is really into all the characters and subplots and so on.

Warriors books have complicated, interwoven stories with some interesting allusions requiring making inferences. While not my kind of literature, I don't see a problem with them.

I guess I am not favorably impressed by the fact that "Erin Hunter" is a pen name/amalgam (there are 4 authors,'s a bit of a factory). Maybe I'm not giving the books enough credit. I think if she were obsessing over Harry POtter I would be less bothered. Okay, I'm a bit of a snob. (DD doesn't know I think this about the books.)

Like I say, I guess it's only bugging me because school is clearly not doing much for her on this front this year. All right, maybe my real problem is dissatisfaction with that curriculum, come to think of it. We have enough other issues going on that I don't particularly want to address that, though. It's a shame; I was very pleased with how reading/writing were handled last year.