My ds13 always reread books and still does. I doubt there is a book he has read only once. He has been rereading Harry Potter for 6 years. He has often reads books below his level. It becomes increasingly difficult to find challenging books as they get older, if not impossible. I really cant find challenging books for him anymore. I tend to let it be for the most part as well. We did pushed him to read novels after he spend a couple years only wanting nonfiction books. We didn't take away the Nonfiction books but added the novels into his mix. My dd6 is in the middle of her Rainbow Fairies book craze. Oh yay! (Oozing sarcasm):) She will also go grab a ridiculously below her level Biscuit book from time to time. I agree it fosters their love of reading. I would found the more I suggest books the more they lose interest in what I'm suggesting. I tend to leave the books I want them to read lying around wink They eventually pick them up.