She sounds as if age gets overstimulated easily, beyond a typical young child - though you have seen her approach and want to interact with others. Because her speech does sound delayed both phonetically and expressively, I think it would be prudent to have her evaluated by a specialist to rule out autism, sensory processing disorders, and other types of speech delays. Someone with great expertise in this area (developmental pediatrician perhaps) will help sort out the subtle markers tor high-functioning autism vs speech.

First thing I would though, is get her an excellent hearing eval - since it seems she is not replicating the beginning /ending consonant sounds (can be a marker for hearing loss) .

My dd is 28 months and really loves to sort things - it's like her zen and has loved puzzles since she was little. But she will also play imagination dress-up, babydolls, and pretend with animals and cars. Is your dd doing this type of

Last edited by Evemomma; 09/26/12 07:42 AM.