Originally Posted by Old Dad
Originally Posted by ABQMom
It's worked out great so far. And thanks for the luck-wishing, although I picked up on just a wee bit of dripping sarcasm... smile

Well, you interpreted it all correctly. I really DO admire it when people make attempts to change what they believe to be an injustice, it's just that there are so many that have been in place for centuries that I think time is better used on things we can have greater effect on and likely make a difference, however, each person chooses their battles and if it's what you're passionate about, who am I to think you can't do just that?

As with changing most injustices in society, I've become more and more convinced the best thing we can do is raise our children to be accepting, loving, kind, helpful, and to serve others as much as or more than they serve themselves. In my mind it's a lot more effective and more likely successful to educate a new generation than it is to try and change 3 or 4 older generations.

Oh, I have no grand inspirations, or more likely mis-inspirations, that I will change society. I just have no plans to allow the status quo to change my own goals or how I approach life. All we have to do is not be afraid of believing in ourselves and role-modeling for those within our own microcosm what we believe is possible. If enough people do that, things change. I have no plans to be the next Susan B Anthony - just a woman who embraces femininity and technology and whatever else inspires my passions.