"Gentleness, empathy, sensitivity, caring, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturance, deference, and succorance"

If you act this way in my profession you will a step stool on someone else's climb to the top. Should it be this way? No. Is it? Yes.

Just as, if you dance around in a short skirt and flirt with all the men in sight in my workplace (my mental image of one of the STEM recruiting video scenes described by the article) you will go nowhere professionally. Well, I take that back. You'll get somehwere but probably nowhere that you WANT to be.

Surely we can be "feminine" outside of these paradigms? The typical Madonna/whore thing?

In a recent novel about being a woman investment banker in a very male dominated field, the working woman main character is completely ignored by a good old boy client in a meeting. She muses that because she is not his mother, sister, wife or a potential hook up he has no idea how to fit her into his world. This thread made me think of that.