What got my DD9 interested in Lego was watching the Feminist Frequency videos that discussed the STEM skills that playing with Lego develops, and how Lego's marketing had changed over time to position Lego as "not for girls." The idea that The Man was keeping her down really lit a fire under her.

Ditto for articles explaining how girls are societally conditioned to give up / assume they aren't smart enough, and boys are conditioned to work harder.

She had camp at the Air & Space Museum this summer, and the K-3rd grade group was about evenly split between boys and girls. She was in the 4th-6th group, which did some activities with the 7th-12th group, and there was at least one week where there was only one other girl in both older groups combined. What made the difference there was having a few weeks where there were at least 2 other girls in her age group, and having one of the adult woman coordinators take DD under her wing after DD had an anxiety attack right before camp.