Ok, trying this again (for some reason my previous reply hasn't posted)...

Thanks everyone for the input. Indeed, this is ultimately a personal decision for our family so I am trying to weigh in on the matter in the most rational way that I can.

From what I understand, the store does have a legal right to be there as they and the school are private businesses. I spoke with the school regarding my concerns, and they did try to reassure me, and suggested that I visit the store to get a sense for what it is like. Unfortunately, the school cannot do anything about the store being there. The school claims that the people who own the store are respectful, friendly people who are indeed very professional, as are their clientele. They are like a specialty gun shop and sell many collector type of firearms (although it seems as if you can get pretty much anything). It is not a shady looking store, not in a shady area, and discreet looking. The sheriff/police are aware of the situation. The school says that when the store moved in about a year and a half ago, many people were upset about it as well, and probably had to go through much of what I'm feeling as a parent, but the fact that it is not much of an issue for them alleviates my worries (somewhat).

DH and I have been discussing it a lot. Yes, the likelihood that anything happening there is extremely low. Incidents/accidents involving guns don't happen right outside gun shops. But as a mom, especially with young kids, it's hard to overlook ANYTHING that may jeopardize the safety of your children. We have yet to make a final decision, but are leaning on keeping him there for now � as many of you know, finding a school which can accommodate your child and keep you and the child happy is so hard to come by these days, so that value of that cannot be overlooked either.
