More than likely the shop is owned by an ex-cop and many of the local LEOs buy stuff there.
And everyone who buys guns there is either a CHL holder with an extensive background check or has gone through a FBI background check. A very dangerous place to be sure.
I trained troops in the Army and trained a lot of people in civilian life. All the people in my classes or the classes I've been to have been great people - doctors, dentists, nurses, lawyers, pastors, priests, moms, teachers, dads, cops, judges, elected officials, military, you name it. These are the kind of people who go to that shop. Awful people for sure.
Please note - I'm one of the folks who posted already that I wouldn't worry about the location of the gun shop - but fwiw, criminals and/or people who have dangerous plans do in fact sometimes buy guns at gun shops. Sometimes they purchase the gun under false pretenses (false id), sometimes the gun shop owners are less than thorough in requesting id/following up with background checks etc. It's certainly not the usual norm and it's certainly not most gun shops, but it does happen.