Originally Posted by daytripper75
I would ask them if they have trouble with that shop or its customers. They would know best if it were a dangerous spot.


What would I do?

Drop in and check out what they had for sale!

More than likely the shop is owned by an ex-cop and many of the local LEOs buy stuff there.

And everyone who buys guns there is either a CHL holder with an extensive background check or has gone through a FBI background check. A very dangerous place to be sure.

I trained troops in the Army and trained a lot of people in civilian life. All the people in my classes or the classes I've been to have been great people - doctors, dentists, nurses, lawyers, pastors, priests, moms, teachers, dads, cops, judges, elected officials, military, you name it. These are the kind of people who go to that shop. Awful people for sure.

Personally, I think you are operating from a lack of knowledge about guns, the gun industry, and the people that own guns. Worrying about a gun shop is like worrying about a pharmacy because they sell drugs or a car dealership because they sell getaway cars.

My recommendation would be to take a class or two in firearm safety and firearms use from a good instructor. No doubt that store could help you out. Then you would be more informed than you are now.