My son has to read the news first thing in the morning on his iPhone and he falls asleep listening to CNN. He always wants to discuss things that are happening in the world. He is very interested in politics and legal issues and debates, but also music and even art. This addiction had led to all kinds of learning that most of the kids his age aren't that interested in--sociology, psychology, economics, etc. Science and technology news have always interested him.
We never restricted video games because he is not addicted to them. If he is addicted to anything, it is the news.
I am not sure if the news really qualifies as an addiction. He says he has never gotten any kind of "dopamine squirt" from playing games or anything else except possibly those few moments when he takes off his brace and he is without pain.
I have trouble getting him to take time away from all of these other interests to do math. It is so hard to get him to stop looking up more information on whatever he is learning because I am really happy for him that he is this interested in something that takes his mind off the pain. I think I even read somewhere that math, pain and anxiety used the same part of the brain but don't have time to look it up.
Anyone else with a kid who seems addicted to the news?