Originally Posted by Cricket2
I'm curious whether the other poster (polarbear?) with the dyspraxic child found that it impacted symbol search and block design as well. I'd guess that it would which is why I'd be less likely to go to 2e, but I could be wrong. Polarbear??

That's me with the dyspraxic ds. I couldn't remember for sure about the scores! So I looked them up to be certain... my ds' processing speed subtest scores on the WISC were:

Coding 8
Symbol Search 11
Cancellation 11

These are all very statistically lower than his other subtest scores. He hit the hard hard ceiling on Block Design (didn't miss any). Although block design is also a timed test, it involves manipulating blocks (if I remember correctly), which is a different type of fine motor skill than the timed processing subtests - they rely on hand/eye/pencil coordination, and is one of the areas that my ds' dypraxia is the most severe.

Originally Posted by Cricket2
my point on the last paragraph is that I would not assume that he has a learning disability just b/c the scores were lower than expected. 2e usually presents with more significant scatter than overall depressed numbers.

I agree with Cricket2 on this point, and even with a large large large discrepancy wouldn't assume an LD. However, the 5 for coding is relatively low, and I think SDMom noted her ds is slower than she expects to produce work - putting those two together might indicate a challenge with processing speed even though the other scores aren't in the gifted range.

I also agree with Cricket re the tester - my ds has never been seen by a psych who specializes in gifted children, but that hasn't depressed any of his scores (as far as I know!), and the patterns in his subtests plus his overall IQ scores have come out very close together each time he's been tested.
