Stacy, if you're comfortable with doing so, you could post the subtest scores from the WISC here and you might get some useful advice - quite a few of our 2e kids have wildly varying subtest scores. With the WISC, there is an option to calculate a "GAI" (Global Ability Index) in place of the FSIQ - GAI leaves out the processing speed and working memory subtests.

Another idea re reading is - since he says it's boring, do you know what reading comprehension level he tests at? Most schools, even private schools, have some type of reading evaluation for grades K-2 that they could administer to determine what level he's reading at. I think that would be really important to know, because a young child can be "bored" with reading for different reasons - it could be that he's bored because the books he's given to read are too easy for him (not enough challenging words) or too easy for him (not enough content depth) or maybe he's not actually reading at the level of the book so it's too challenging or maybe he just doesn't want to sit still and read or maybe his eyes jump around or maybe the books are about rocks and he wants to read about fish. What's your gut feeling from knowing him - do you think the content needs to be deeper and more challenging?

Another idea - you can ask your public school district to evaluate him even if he's in a private school.

I gotta run kinda mid-thought - I'm sorry! I'll be back smile
