Will post his scores below. Any help would be appreciated.

As for reading I'm not real sure what is going on. My gut says he can read better than what he is letting on b/c there are times he just ups and reads things he sees in the store without any effort yet at home it is like pulling teeth to get him to sound out words. He thinks he can't read things that are hard and if he thinks he can't do it well he prefers not to do it at all. By the end of kindergarten he was reading simple books very well (level 1 & 2 readers) but now at the beginning of 1st grade it is like reteaching him the basics all over again. When reading with him in kindergarten his comprehension was great but now it seems to have lagged a little. I had the chance to be a long term sub in his room last year and got to see him compared the other students. He was one of the best readers and comprehended more than most the other kids when he read. I noticed it took him a long time to do his work even though it was work he knew how to do. He got the best grades in his class yet he was almost always last to turn in his work. He will read for reward and loves it if I can make sight words into a game or competition. His school should be doing testing to see where the kids are very soon. They test 3 times a year...beginning, middle, and end of year.

Okay...here are the test scores. Factors I feel may have skewed them are: tester (built no rapport with him, spent only 45 minutes with him), very timid in new situations, possible ADHD, takes forever to answer questions even though he knows the right answer (perfectionist), time of day (right at noon...he is best in the morning), taken at end of summer with very little intellectual stuff going on (my fault), and just recovered from nasty virus.

Verbal Comprehension Subtests:
Similarities- Raw Score 12, Scaled Score 11, Percentile 75th
Vocabulary- Raw Score 19, Scaled Score 11, Percentile 63rd
Comprehension- Raw Score 10, Scaled 9, Percentile 37th
Perceptual Reasoning Subtests:
Block Design-Raw 22, Scaled 13, Percentile 84th
Picture Concepts-Raw 9, Scaled 9, Percentile 37th
Matrix Reasoning-Raw 18, Scaled 15, Percentile 95th
Working Memory Subtests:
Digit Span-Raw 12, Scaled-11, Percentile 63rd
Letter-Number Sequencing-Raw 9, Scaled 10, Percentile 50th
Processing Speed Subtests:
Coding-Raw 17, Scaled 5, Percentile 5th
Symbol Search-Raw 21, Scaled 11, Percentile 63rd

Composit Scores:
VCI-Scaled 32, Composite 102, Percentile Rank 55th,
PRI-Scaled 37, composite 115, Percentile rank 84th
WMI-Scaled 21, Composite 102, Percentile rank 55th
PSI-Scaled 16, Composite 88, Percentile rank 21st
FSIQ-Scaled 106, Composite 105, Percentile rank 63rd

Any help is great!