I'm so glad you posted this because it's the thread I've been wanting to start. Sure, I thought my two were the cutest, smartest little kids in the world, in the same way that I think MOST moms view their kids and in the way that I believe every child deserves to be viewed by their mom. Sure, I thought they were smart, maybe even gifted a little.

BUT DYS-level gifted? I had no idea. The child psychologist kept telling me they were gifted and telling me the things they did were unusual. Frankly, I didn't believe her. I simply felt like my children had the benefit of a mother who read to them, talked to them, took them to museums, etc. I felt that many children would be like my two if their parents were able to spend a lot of time with them, reading, etc.

When the child psychologist met with me and showed me their scores, which well-qualified them for DYS on several metrics, I responded that their scores simply resulted from me reading to them a lot. The child psychologist said reading to children doesn't necessarily get those types of scores. I don't know. These two are my first, and I haven't worked around children or been around them much.

I'm still very much trying to wrap my head around this. I feel happiest just thinking of continuing to do what we do -- reading, learning, trying to have experiences.

At the same time, I'm blown out of the water that one new DYS scholar is a model of cooperation in speech therapy if the therapist puts little stickers on a chart for good cooperation. (He hates ST because it seems babyish to him.) I'm equally blown out of the water that upon hearing that a nest of rattlesnakes had been found in a ditch, my other new DYS scholar, a newly turned 7 year-old girl, took off down the ditch with a 4 year-old to get some rattlesnakes.

Thank you for starting the thread and letting me express what I've been wanting to say for awhile.

Last edited by Mom2277; 08/31/12 06:07 AM.