My son is doing fencing, mainly b/c it is one of the only sports that u can easily wear a hearing aid. It is definitely unique too
My BIL did that sport, too.
He got into Harvard (didn't attend - no scholarship), so it's definitely Harvard-approved.
Below is the list of activities and sports that Harvard asks about on its application form . Fencing, crew, and golf, which have been mentioned in this thread, are all listed. There have probably been many College Confidential threads about how these activities rank in the Harvard hierarchy. I don't think Harvard cares as much about frisbee as football. Sorry Val and HK, this is how the game is played

01 Arts, Visual Arts
02 Dramatics
03 Vocal Music
04 Band
05 Orchestra
06 Writing / Literary Magazine
07 Journalism
08 Student Government
09 Debate
10 Social Service
11 Ethnic Groups
12 Religious Groups
13 Political Groups
14 Dance
15 Outdoor Activities
16 Baseball
17 Basketball
18 Crew–Heavyweight
19 Crew–Lightweight
20 Fencing
21 Field Hockey
22 Football
23 Golf
24 Hockey
25 Lacrosse
26 Sailing
27 Ski–Alpine
28 Ski–Nordic Racing
29 Soccer
30 Softball
31 Squash
32 Swimming/Diving
33 Tennis
34 Track/Cross-Country
35 Volleyball
36 Water Polo
37 Wrestling
38 Cheerleading
39 Martial Arts
40 MUN
41 LGBT Groups
43 Badminton
44 Equestrian Sports/Polo
45 Frisbee
46 Rugby
47 Pre-Professional Groups
48 Environmental Groups