Oops, a twenty year old article, though looks like mostly good info. Speaking of college requirements... had ran across a reference to Lockhart's Lament, a biting paper discussing math education from the pov of a mathematician ( http://www.maa.org/devlin/LockhartsLament.pdf ), has this funny quote interlude in it:
“You mean Paint-by-Numbers? We’re seeing much higher enrollments lately. I think it’s mostly coming from parents wanting to make sure their kid gets into a good college. Nothing looks better than Advanced Paint-by-Numbers on a high school transcript.”
“Why do colleges care if you can fill in numbered regions with the corresponding color?”
“Oh, well, you know, it shows clear-headed logical thinking. And of course if a student is planning to major in one of the visual sciences, like fashion or interior decorating, then it’s really a good idea to get your painting requirements out of the way in high school.”