... but only if they are in shades of Avodado and Harvest Gold.


I'm fortunate enough to live in a household of 99%-ers, so we act as a built-in haven for one another on this particular point. We rant among ourselves when life gets to us in this way.

Yes, it's normal to feel exasperated with the pace and general inanity/ridiculousness of the world at large when you live out of step with the majority of the population.

I'm guessing that anyone with an 'exceptionality' in any of life's major spiritual or cognitive areas feels this sense of existential angst toward civilization as a whole.

How can people be so _________???!!

(Stupid, mean, disgusting, selfish, weak-willed, self-destructive, impatient, lacking in common sense, etc. etc.)

We save our rants for one another. If it bothers you because you have no one to share this with, then search out some like-minded and like-you people to hang around with. They do exist. smile It's a problem to feel this way all the time, though-- because it is toxic. Such feelings eventually are corrosive. Like putting actual dishwater with dishwashing detergent through your coffeepot daily, basically.

Stick to espresso grind and tap water. That's my advice.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.