Although I already know the answers, or I think I do, or w/e...

I still want to ask, because I'm particularly frustrated right now.

By the way, English is not my mother's tongue, I'm sorry if the words are weird sometimes, although I'm not sure if that's going to be the case, I just wanted to specify...

Is it normal to be impatient towards other people with a slow mind?

Of course it is... still, I'd like to see, an answer.

I mean no, seriously, I totally hate that people seem to think so slowly, why can't they THINK, dammit, I want them to be better, to have a mind at work.

And is it me, or the world is awfully going in the wrong direction?

Of course it is... still, well you know, I'd like to see your answer.

Where are the others?? I mean where are the other people who actually think? The gifted? It drives me mad to have a conversation with anyone because they all seem to get it wrong so often (not all the time, but most of the time). I feel like I'm holding the hand of everyone each time I talk to them about something they're not sure or when they're plain wrong (I'm not talking about convictions there, when I say plain wrong, it jumps at the eye, it's just *that* obvious). I just want to talk with other people who can think. Else I feel like I'm imposing on the others, it drives me insane.

Is it normal that everyone's so poor? I mean, seriously? It seem all so easy to not be poor.


Why is everything so awkward...

I feel lonely. But you know that already, probably. I hope you do.