We're a dual language household too (Spanish/English), and in my opinion, I'd start introducing reading/writing in Czech now. I think the earlier the better. With us, I just make it clear to my son which is which (now we're going to read in Spanish, etc.)
I agree with the homemade book idea. I've made some materials for my son (he's almost 3) because it's hard to find things that fit the different levels he needs. He's also obsessed with plastic animals (dinosaur sets, insects, sea animals, etc), which he organizes different ways (carnivores/herbivores, who lives at the zoo/farm/museum/aquarium, etc). He enjoyed learning all the specific names (brachiosaurus, velociraptor, armadillo, aardvark, etc).
Every few months, scholastic offers a $1 sale on their pdf books. I found out about it originally from this thread (
Big Scholastic sale on PDFs), then I signed up for their notices directly. My son especially enjoys their “
Instant Habitat Dioramas.” With the dioramas, I print and cut them out ahead of time (instead of gluing the animals on the diorama I put them on popsicle sticks), and then we play pretend, sort of like a mini-theater. I talk about life cycles, food chains, habitats, seasons, etc. as we play. He also likes the “
Lift and Learn Science Mini-Books and Manipulatives” which I put together, then he colors them.
Glad you posted. This is a great place.